Event Request Form


Special Note: For proper support and promotional purposes, we suggest that you make your event request at least 3 weeks in advance. Please share as many details for your event as possible.

Name of the Event

Contact Person


Contact Person's Phone

Contact Person's Email

Event Date

What time will your event take place?

Will this event recur? If so, choose an ending date.


Will your event take place at the church? 

If not at the church, where will your event take place?



Rooms Needed

Will you need catering? 

What are your A/V needs?

How many attendees are you expecting?


Do you need tables and/or chairs? (Note: Tables & chairs are only for on-site use.) 


Special setup requirements?

Where do you want this event displayed?


Do you need a flyer designed for your event? 


If you already have a flyer or a visual idea, please attach here.


Please write out how this event should be announced in the bulletin and on social media. 


Additional Information: